Dedicated to the corporal and spiritual works of mercy
St. Benedict Catholic Worker

Join us in making an impact: volunteer
We need volunteers to help out on food delivery days. Also at pop-up welcoming tables at various locations throughout Fresno. Of course, we always welcome donations of food and financial contributions.
Come and Experience Our Hospitality
Whether at a Roundtable Discussion, an Advent or Lent journey, Vespers, a Grief Education and Support Group, our St. Joseph’s Table, or just for a cup of coffee and a chat, get involved with the St. Benedict Catholic Worker House of Hospitality

Food for Families in Need

What we do and how you can participate
Food Ministry
We need volunteers to help with distributing food to families. If you can lift up to 50 pounds, we need help loading food into our truck each week at the Central California Food Bank in Fresno.
Grief Ministry
Grief education and support groups and individual counseling are available from our certified grief counselor
Spiritual Ministry
Roundtable discussions and presentations, Advent and Lent journey groups, and Vespers (Evening Prayer)
The St. Benedict Catholic Worker is classified as a public charity under IRC 501(c)(3). Donors can deduct contributions they make under IRC Section 170.
House of Hospitality
The St. Benedict Catholic Worker House of Hospitality is located at 4022 N Cheryl Ave, Fresno, CA 93705
Social Justice Advocacy
In accordance with Catholic teaching, we take a prophetic stance against injustice, racism, war, and environmental destruction.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who founded the Catholic Worker?
Dorothy Day (a candidate for sainthood in the Catholic Church) and Peter Maurin founded the Catholic Worker in New York City on May 1, 1933. The St. Benedict Catholic Worker was founded on July 21, 1997 by Liza and Bryan Apper. There are nearly 200 Catholic Worker houses around the world.
What is the connection to St. Benedict?
Liza Apper, Obl. OSB and Bryan Apper, Obl.OSB are both Benedictine Oblates. The St. Benedict Catholic Worker is organized around the Benedictine practices of prayer, work, and hospitality. Dorothy Day was also a Benedictine Oblate.
Are Catholic Workers paid a salary?
The St. Benedict Catholic Worker is a 100% volunteer organization.
Where are you located?
4022 N Cheryl Ave, Fresno, CA 93705
Who runs your grief groups?
Liza Apper is a certified grief counselor with an MPS degree and 33 graduate credits in various aspects of grief counseling.